On your first visit to Groton Chiropractic and Massage Center, take advantage of an evaluation and consultation, plus a treatment, all in one $60 appointment!
At other offices in Groton it would cost $60 (or more) for just your evaluation, and treatment would be another $60 (or more).
We also offer discounted packages for as low as $40 a visit, as well as monthly payment plans!
Call or text us today for more information or Click Here for more on our pricing.
Se Habla Espanol
Saturday and Evening Appointments Available
Massage and Chiropractic with every visit
We accept most major insurances
Best reviews in New London County!
“Great adjustments! I’ve been to a number of chiropractors around the country and this is definitely one of the best I’ve experienced, especially the best I’ve visited in the Groton area. They do adjustments, massage therapy, and integrated appointments that mix both for better, more complete adjustments. Would highly recommend! The [Groton] Chiropractic offices are definitely my go to in this area and they aren’t very expensive either. Call and ask because they may also take some insurances but they’re not costly enough to break the bank if you’re not using insurance either.”